Lucky and me in the Franklin Mountains.


I am an Associate Professor at Kansas (KU).

I arrived at KU in January 2016. Prior to that I was an NSF postdoc (MSPRF) at Michigan and Utah, a Postdoctoral Fellow at MSRI in the Commutative Algebra Program, and a Dunham Jackson Assistant Professor at Minnesota. My Ph.D. is from Michigan, and my B.S. is from Boston University.

Before all of that, I was a student at El Paso High School, Wiggs Middle School, and Vilas Elementary School, all public schools in the El Paso Independent School District.

Graduate advising

I am the Ph.D. advisor to Trevor Arrigoni and Christopher Wong.

Trevor will graduate in Spring 2024, and is currently on the job market. Chris is in his fourth year.

I was the M.A. advisor to Grace McMonagle, who graduated in 2021, and whose thesis was in quantum computing.

Contact info
Email: last-name-no-accentspambot-at-ku-dot-edu
Office: 527 Snow Hall
Phone: (785) 864-4630
Address: Department of Mathematics
University of Kansas
405 Snow Hall
1460 Jayhawk Boulevard
Lawrence, KS 66045-7594